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If you ask me, it is time to buy new canvases, papers, and colour tubes to get messy and creative! I feel that I should not wait another week or month to feel settled to create.
What do we call that again? Correct, procrastination. But I know how it is with most of us creatives who have another full-time job and often also another full-time life.

How do you make that time to create? It’s tricky. And it depends if you are single, have kids, are in a relationship, etc.
A rather radical way to make me think and kick into action is, to ask the question:

So if you know that you would need to leave this world next week, what is it that you want or have left for others that can inspire them and spark positive vibes?

I do think that most of us “waste” our creative potential output by scrolling through social media, news, and Netflix instead of spending our time - maybe even offline - brainstorming ideas and dreams. But I also know that some of you face intense jobs that require a lot of energy daily, and make it a real challenge to get into the zen of creation.

When we ask people about their values, we often hear them reply “honesty, growth mindset, creativity, change, community, health” and so on … then when you compare it to what these people spend their time and money on, most often that is not aligned with the values they just mentioned.

Your values are reflected in where you invest your time and money the most.​ Not in what you say.

Words are words. Actions are actions.

A quick guide to getting you to create that thing that you always wanted to create:

  • What idea(s) is coming back to your mind all the time, throughout all the months, weeks maybe even years? Write it down!

  • What day and time of the week works best for you to spend on creating it? Write it down and block it!

  • Do you think you are not good enough? Please forget that thought immediately! It just blocks you from your creative flow.

  • What tools and materials do you need to organise? Do it within one week if possible!

  • Make it a little project even if you think nobody would ever care about it because that is not the point anyway.

  • Do a bit of planning and goal setting by when you want to have what outcome, but don’t stress yourself. This is just to help and support but not to add extra stress.

  • Then start the first part, be proud of yourself, don’t necessarily share it immediately with others, keep working on it and smile.

Congratulations! You have become a CREATOR! Amazing. How does it feel?

Both abstract digital paintings were created in the evenings, and after work on iPad with the Procreate app. Love it!