RE connect - Chose wisely with whom and what
RE invent - First yourself, then help the world
RE create - Use what you already created
The Past Shapes Us
To become a better human step by step was and is something very important to me. I’m a grown up but not perfect. I’m human and I’m learning constantly. We are living in a time of accelerated change due to a dangerous virus impacting the entire globe and our economy for the next couple of years. I’m a self-confident and calm person but I asked myself some deep questions lately which definitely made me feel more insecure. I know that at some point in our live we all do that.
Disruptions and constant change at work and in my private life made me wonder if I’m learning the right things and fast enough. Was is a good idea to change my career at 36? Yes, it was. Was is necessary to lose love and close friends to ghosting? Yes, it was. Does it hurt that my family didn’t visit me in the last 7 years that I’ve been living in London? Yes, it does. Were Brexit and the lost trust in governments really needed? I guess, yes.
I was thinking about all that – my career, my financial situation, the people I'm surrounded by and their impact on me, love, relationships, family, growing older, security, politics, governments, environment, etc. It made me feel confused in the past few months and I was working on navigating through it and find my own purpose. Admittedly, I still had the mindset that a drastic change of my lifestyle is a voluntary one but now it became clear it’s an unavoidable change in order to move on into a brighter future.
How can I earn a sustainable living?
How can I assure to stay positive and inspiring whilst also ensuring that I keep inspiring and positive people around me?
Is this the right country I’m living in? Or the right city?
How can I improve my own communication to avoid misunderstanding?
How can I avoid being busy?
How can I make sure to reduce “consuming” and do more of “producing” = giving back to my community?
In the past few years, I observed that filling our free time with only consumption activities and leaving too little time to create something with our own hands and mind, is a recipe for making us feel empty at the end of the day. For my own balance, I need time for writing, daydreaming, illustrating, painting, walking and running and self-reflection. I’ve tried to create this awareness around me and still, I have also been spending too much time and money on things that did not necessarily help me or this world to become better. My friends say, don’t be too hard on you. But I think I need to. I have a responsibility and should stop living half awake.
The Future Surprises Us
I never imagined my life as it is right now. I always left space for flexibility. I have dreams and set goals but I also change those goals, adapt, listen to how I feel and then decide what I’m going to follow through or not. Usually, it’s around Christmas and New Year’s Eve that most of us reach out to friends with wishes, reconnect with our family and loved ones, reflect on the past months and slow down. This year, I had extended that period into January and February. And now? Due to COVID-19, this phase has officially been extended to … we don’t know yet. A lot more people are reflecting and slowing down now when they have that luxury.
I’m emotionally and intellectually independent. A bit of a loner sometimes, self-sufficient for sure, an introvert in this mainly extrovert world but with great social skill though. I’m living on a budget as so many do around me and I was used to a reduced choice when it comes to buying things or booking travel trips. I haven’t used a gym in ages and prefer running in the park. I’m constantly looking for ways to live my life creatively with the tools I have. In that sense, I feel prepared for this long self-isolation phase in Corona 2020. But I have realised this is not enough anymore. I need to change. The lifestyle I had before March 13 is gone and I’m grateful for this huge wake-up call and kick in the ass.
The Present Is A Present
The self-isolation situation we’re in right now helps a lot with the re-inventing part. How we work and travel has changed and will change. The economic crisis we are about to experience now will change how we earn money and hopefully also how we approach environment, politics, health care and education.
I’ve realised that flexibility in how I design my life is crucial but also having a stable foundation in order to create visions. Ensuring I’m okay with faster change and adapting life goals has now become a weekly challenge and I am excited to see the outcome. So my message today is: don’t forget to …
RE connect - Chose the people you surround yourself with wisely
and invest your time in things that really matter.
RE invent - Mainly yourself and don’t be afraid to change directions, lose a job, lifestyle or leave a person, experiment and become a new version of yourself so that you can help to reinvent the world, too.
RE create - What you’ve already created. You don’t need to start from scratch. Use the tools and skills available. Use what you’ve already collected or started. Don’t be afraid to “steal” from someone else and then find your own style.
“Quarantine of Consumption.
My future forecast for the Age of the Amateur seems to come much faster then I anticipated.”
One of the things I’m grateful for is seeing my artwork decorating the home of someone else. It’s a beautiful gift that I appreciate very much! This is the result of recreating. I took two older illustrations, mixed them up and made a new version.
And now it’s time for you to recreate some beautiful!